That’s right readers, I’m thinking of starting my own charity. It’s not to cure cancer – we have enough organisations working on that one. And it’s not to help starving children – again, there’s plenty already out there.

MY charity will be there to help those in need every day. They’re the people you see down the shops every day. They could be your neighbour, your workmate or even someone in your family.

And the biggest problem is that these poor souls don’t even realise they have a problem. I think maybe their friends and loved ones are a little hesitant to tell these people that they need help.

You know these people. And I know that when you see them, you wished you could help – and now you can. You don’t need to send me any money – I don’t want it. What I am going to need is…..mirrors. Yes, mirrors. And LOTS of them.

And with those mirrors, I can help those poor individuals out there who don’t yet own one. C’mon, you know what I’m talking about. That size 24 girl who thought she would like good in a denim mini skirt and crop top. Or that guy who’s wearing a pink singlet top with his fluorescent yellow board shorts.

And what about that girl that OBVIOUSLY got dressed in the dark. She’s wearing her favourite top, her favourite skirt or shorts and her favourite shoes. It’s just SUCH a pity that none of those items match.

If ONLY these people had a mirror. Then they could check themselves before they leave the house and maybe realise: “Hang on a sec. What was I thinking?”. If my charity helps only one of these people per month, it will be a success. Don’t you agree??

So if you support my charity idea, leave a comment or send me a message. I’ve told my workmates about my theory and they’re behind me 100%. And tell me what you think. Do you agree that only Asian girls can get away with wearing denim shorts over black tights? And really, even THEY only JUST get away with it, don’t they?