Apologies to Monty Python for stealing their title, but in this case, it’s completely relevant. I was driving home the other day and thought that maybe I should start posting something interesting. I think that what I’ve been doing so far IS interesting (at least to me), but this new idea might just appeal to other as well.

I’ve served in the Army for over 21 years, and for a little while now I have thought about writing some memoirs. Sure, I’m no Ben Roberts-Smith (although I have kind of worked with him) and I’ll never replace Angus Houston as the CDF. What I have done is SUPPORTED blokes like this throughout my career. I’ve worked in a military hospital, an artillery regiment, a cavalry regiment and the SAS to name but a few.

So what do you think? If you’re one of the actual people who come to my site (rather than just thost referer thingys), let me know if you would come back on a regular basis to hear an inside story of what it’s like to be a soldier – from basic training, to moving all around the country, to working with Special Forces.

By the way, if Big Brother is out there, you can rest easy that I won’t be divulging anything that isn’t unclassified.

In a few days, I’ll post the first instalment, starting with leaving home at 17 and going through 13 weeks of hell at Kapooka. In fact, basic training might take a couple of posts to get through considering everything I went through.

After the first post (not the Last Post (little Army joke there)), I’ll ask again whether you’re ineterested in hearing the whole story. And don’t be afraid to say SOMETHING. People rarely leave me messages, but I thrive on the contact.

So settle yourself in and prepare for what I hope is an interesting read. I can tell you now that there are some great annecdotes to come.