I got a bee in my bonnet today. I was reading the news online and things just started to shit me. Why? Because the Australian government sucks. In my opinion, it’s full of arse clowns that are only interested in making themselves look good, and have no f**king idea whatsoever about how to make this country great.

My first case study is that health insurance in Australia is about to be means tested. What the f**k is that all about? Next, they’ll be means testing petrol. Our government can get f**ked. The WHOLE WORLD knows how expensive Australia is. It’s the main reason our tourism is starting to die off. It costs people a million dollars to get here, and then we rip them off once they arrive.

I’m in the Army – I’ve mentioned that before – and that means that I am at the mercy of civilians running the Defence of our country. Maybe if they picked someone who had done some military service, life wouldn’t be so shit for the ADF. But politicians are all soft and couldn’t handle it. Ergo, our lives are dictated by ignorant assholes.

The latest bullshit decision to effect Defence is that they are going to remove the Rising Sun badge from our slouch hats. The Rising Sun seems to date back as far as the 1820’s, although it’s difficult to pinpont exactly when it became associated with the Aussie Digger.

And why is it that we are losing this MASSIVELY iconic insignia? Because the government needs to save money. Apparently, they are going to save money by not holding stocks of this badge in our military clothing stores. Mind you, at least we get to keep THE HAT, the discontinuation of which was another one of their ideas.

This is just the latest in a string of reasons why military personnel are doing it tough. We’re constantly being shafted by the government when it comes to our entitlements and conditions of service. Why can air hostesses claim hair cuts and make-up on their tax, when soldier’s can’t claim haircuts? If I don’t get my hair cut according to our doctrine, then I can be charged: resulting in a fine.

When a married Defence member separates from his/her spouse, the spouse gets a Defence-funded removal to a new home – while the serving member gets NOTHING. Oh wait, what they DO get is 28 days to get out of their house and move into somewhere else (at their own expense).

And why does the Prime Minister get a free trip to Gallipoli on ANZAC Day, when soldiers have to pay their own way? Why do politicians get 20% pay rises, when Defence personnel have to FIGHT for 6% over 2 years? It’s a f**king joke.

In the words of the infamous Bill O’Chee: “They can root my boot”